Seriously, where did 2015 go? Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away and Christmas advertisements are starting to appear. Why is it that the older I get the faster years pass by.

I’d like to share a few products that I greatly enjoyed throughout 2015.

Not sure what was going on with my skins this year, but one product that helped is the Derma-e Microdermabrasion scrub. Every time I used it my skin felt amazingly soft. Don’t let the microdermabrasion scare you. It helps to remove any dead skin while being gentle enough for sensitive skin. You must try it!


I love waterproof mascara but taking it off at the end of the day is no fun. I used to use cleansing oil but I recently discovered makeup wipe that do not irritate my skin nor do they sting. The PONDS makeup wipes are wonderful and they even smell good.

P.s. I did receive the package featured for free for review by Influenster. More about Influenster.


Okay, time to get a little more personal… I have oily hair. Well, I used to have oily hair. Thanks to Jason Normalizing shampoo I no longer suffer from excessive oily hair. Yay! Plus, it is a natural product. #WinWin


One more product I could not live with (well, I could but I don’t want to): Burt’s Bees chapstick! The regular one. I did not like the other scents.


Back to makeup, I absolutely LOVE the Loreal True Match Concealer in medium. I have gone through so many of these little tubes. It blends well and the color matched my skin well. Go get you some, you will not regret it.


I could go on forever, so I will stop now. Follow me on Instagram (@kitty5289) for more on my favorite products.

Thanks for visiting!