Archives for the month of: August, 2013

Blackberry Adventure 2013

Story Behind Foto: Earlier this summer my boyfriend, Ryan, and I went on a little blackberry pickin’ adventure. I call it adventure because it involved nature, a creek, flowing water, bugs, and getting wet. See, to me, this is an adventure, to him it was something to do. As I mentioned before he has an interesting job, I think it is interesting.

Moving on, he decided we should go blackberry pickin’ in a “secret” spot off some bike trail in the Sacramento area. I agreed to this adventure and so off we went to find blackberries. He made us DIY buckets (an empty gallon of water with a handle) and a berry pickin’ stick with a hook at the end of it this way we could reach out further and get the better larger berries. We trekked down a shallow creek pickin’ berries and ended with a few pounds of the fruit. We had anticipated making some great dessert or smoothie with the fruit of our labor, but in the meantime, they’re waiting in the freezer.

Overall, we had a lot fun doing something out of the ordinary and I was able to take a few cool foto’s. Here’s one of my favorite.

Happy Friday,



In true Cristy fashion my post is running a bit late, but like they say, “better late than never.” 🙂

I would like to take the time to celebrate Cat’s birthday on our blog. You see, this Cat is pretty cool so I thought what better way to celebrate her than to share a list of 5 Reasons Why Cat is quite Amazing!

  1. She makes some mean sangria. Cat has always been the hostess with the mostess. I’m lucky to say that I have attended a few of her gatherings where she has served homemade, thirst quenching sangria. Drool.
  2. She is an excellent gym buddy. It’s safe to say that when we lived in the same city, 80% of our friendship was spent at the gym having life planning conversations…oh and working out.
  3. She has a pretty immense nail polish collection. Need I say more? Her collection is so awesome, her boyfriend bought her a nail salon rack to display her collection.
  4. She has a kind soul. This girl has a heart of gold. She is philanthropic by nature and is always putting others needs before hers. I admire her so much for that.
  5. She is an amazing friend. At the risk of sounding mushy, Cat is an exceptional friend. Through the good, the bad and the wild, she is always there. Whether it be to give advice, listen, dream a little or go on an adventure, she can always be counted on.

– Cristy

Happy Birthday to me

Happy Birthday, to me!

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been reflecting on life and the past year. I kept wanting to have some immensely profound “ah-ha moment.” I wanted to have a life-changing realization that will make next year an amazing one sadly, this never happened. However, I did start to notice keywords and patterns that caught my attention they were: patience, passion, career, mortgage, and interior design.

So, instead of writing about wonderful life lessons I’ve learned and how that will influence next year. On the contrary, I’ll be sharing bits and pieces that inspire me and hopefully you too.

Here they are:

1.  Tiny Buddha: How to Master the Art of Fear for a Life of Possibility

2. TED Talks: Meg Jay: Why 30 is not the new 20

3. The Fishy Bowl: Maybe…Don’t Follow Your Passion?

4.  TED Talks: Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit

5. OWN Super Soul Sunday

OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) Super Soul Sunday is always inspiring. Every episode I watch I feel as though it is speaking to me and by the end of the hour, I’m energized to go out and conquer the world!

TED Talks are always very inspiring and you can watch them at any time anywhere. There are so many different subject matters and various speakers; it’s a great resource when you’re looking for a little inspiration.

The Fishy Bowl, is a blog I stumble upon, but after reading “Maybe…Don’t Follow Your Passion?” I felt a sense of relief. Kind of like that Glamour magazine page titled: Hey, it’s Ok…  All right focus, as I was saying, the post made me feel better about “finding my passion.” Go check it out!

Tiny Buddha, once again, another great resource for inspiration and wisdom I always find a piece that I can connect with and feel motivated to make a positive change in my life. I especially liked the piece on fear because it made me view fear from a different perspective. Here’s a great quote from that article:

“All growth occurs only when we do something that we have not done before. In the unknown lives the possibility to achieve the impossible.”

So, I leave you with that and cheers to 32!


WP Folsom Sunset03

Story Behind Foto: a few days ago I joined my boyfriend on one of his weekly fishing trips. Okay, in reality I decided to be a good girlfriend by joining him on his number one hobby. As he was fishing I was taking sunset foto’s and taking in the scenery. Now I understand why he does this so often, it is peacefully quiet out there!

 “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” –Dalai Lama XIV

Here’s one of my favorite foto’s from that evening; I took it as we were leaving. Isn’t it lovely?! I think so.

Thanks for your visit,


Yesterday I came across this Caffeinated Owl Chart on Life PortOfolio and it is hilarious! check it out:

life portOfolio

Today i came across this hilarious sketch at bluesyemre’s blog:

Caffeinated Owl Chart by Dave Mottram

and I can’t stop laughing since then!

coffee owls

What kind of coffee did you have today?
I would be a half-caf! 😛

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San Francisco with a Friend

Story Behind Foto:  With a birthday coming up later this month, I’ve been pondering about life over the last year and the theme that keeps repeating is PATIENCE. This last year of my life has tested my patience in all aspects of life – at home, with family, work, and friends. I believe I have handled it somewhat well. I mean, no one’s perfect, right. I must admit, there have been a few emotional breakdowns here and there, but nothing tremendously devastating or debilitating. I mean, I did spend an entire weekend being a hermit at home, but that’s not too bad, I like alone time or as call it “Me Time.”

Moving on, cheers to another birthday and I leave you with this quote by Brian L. Weiss, “Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its won unhurried pace.”

Thank you for your visit,