Archives for the month of: May, 2014


What are some of your favorite summer fruits? Mine are watermelon and cucumbers. I thought I’d combine them to make a delicious refreshing juice. Then, I thought to add a little mint and parsley for an added hint of “je ne sais quoi.”

The ingredients are:


Lemon, cucumber, watermelon, parsley and mint.

Then I juiced them together.


  • Watermelon is full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant health benefits, here’s why you should eat watermelon.
  • Cucumbers are good because they provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer benefits, here are sixteen reason why you should eat more.
  • Lemon’s are known for their antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting power – reasons to consume more lemons.
  • Parsley has anti-inflammatory properties and helps keep your immune system strong, here are ten reason why you should consume more of this leafy green.
  • Mint promotes digestion, soothes your tummy, and helps lose weight – here are a few more reason why you should eat more mint.

Let me if you make this yummy refreshing juice.




Roasted Tomato Salsa A

Hello! I am back after a month long hiatus, miss me? Don’t answer that!

Well, happy Cinco de Mayo weekend! Drinking a Corona and eating some nachos? Well, you know what goes well with that Corona, or Margarita, chips and salsa!

I love salsa (food not the dance) which is why I am sharing this super easy recipe.


  • 4 – Tomatoes
  • 1/4 – Onion
  • 3 –  Serrano (or Jalapeno) peppers
  • 1 – Garlic clove
  • Cilantro (to taste)
  • 1/2 a Lemon (juiced)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

How to:

To roast the veggies I used a cast iron skillet, no need for oil or butter, just plain veggies on a hot surface. Place the veggies on the skillet (you can also use a grill or an oven), turn them every so often so that each side has a little char. Tomatoes took the longest about 20 minutes or so.

Roasted Tomato Salsa 01


Remove veggies from the skillet after they are well roasted and let them rest for a few minutes. Once all the veggies are roasted and have great coloring (which will give flavor to the salsa), let them rest for at least 5 minutes.

Next, using your blender or food processor “shop” the onion, garlic and peppers. Once those are nice and chunky remove them and place them in a glass container. Next, do the same for the tomatoes, one by one, be sure not to over “shop” them. You do not want to end up with a tomato puree – make sure your salsa a little chunky. Once that’s done, mix them with the onion, garlic, and peppers and mix well.

Next, finely shop the cilantro and add it to the salsa. Then add the lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.

Voila, you now have Roasted Tomato Salsa!

Roasted Tomato Salsa03

Simple! Serve this delicious salsa at your Cinco de Mayo festivities and you’ll be the talk of the party.
