Archives for posts with tag: flowers


Story Behind Foto: 

Our First Home, my home, our Home, homeownership – yes, it still feels a bit surreal. Ryan and I have been homeowners for about a week and we could not be more excited about it! After two and half months (long months) of looking at homes and submitting three bids we found OUR home, she is perfect! The emotional roller coaster was definitely worth it. Plus, I am now the proud owner a beautiful rose garden. Here’s one of the beautiful flowers in our backyard.

Note to self: figure out how to keep them alive and blooming, any master green thumbs out there, your advice, and tips are greatly appreciated.

Thank you visiting C to C,


PresentMoment SM (2)

Story Behind Foto: Recently I realized that I tend to focus too much on the future whether it is my career, mom’s health, family or relationship. I am constantly trying to figure out how to make it better, how to improve, or what is in store for me. Long story short, it is a bit exhausting and stressful!

While talking to a friend, I was reminded to “stop and smell the roses,” or in my case, relax a bit and focus on the progress I’ve made. Focus on what I have now! The conversation made me realize that if I continue to focus on what may be I am totally missing out on the NOW. I am thinking this would be a good time in my life to read, “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.

So, let this be a reminder to us, “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha



Story Behind Foto: I believe there is beauty all around us; we just need to slow down and look closer to appreciate it.

Recently I had a conversation with my mother about photography and how much I enjoy taking foto’s. During our conversation, she mentioned that one of her friend’s and her had a similar conversation a few days prior. Her friends mentioned one of her hobbies is driving to coast and watching the sunset on the beach. My mother wondered why – why did her friend enjoy watching the sunset, why drive to see that, what was the big deal?

When I heard this come out of my mother’s mouth, I was surprise. My thoughts were, “duh, it’s gorgeous!”

She did not get it and I wondered why.

Now thinking about it, I wonder why it is that mom did not get such a simple concept. Is it that throughout her life she has had to live life without taking the time to slow down and appreciate the little things, or, is that currently there are other life issues running through her mind that are fogging up the ability to “smell the roses?”

Eventually I explained to her that watching the sunset is beautiful because of the multiple colors in the sky, and it is a tranquil setting by the beach. She got the point.

So, let this be a reminder for you to take time to appreciate the beauty around you whether it is a gorgeous sunset, a lonely flower growing in the middle a sidewalk, or the sweet smile of your significant other. Whichever it is, take time to appreciate that moment in time because you never know what tomorrow may bring.



Story behind foto:

Today’s post is a little different. I would love hear from YOU. I want to know if you volunteer in your community, and if so, why? What do you do, how long have you been volunteering, lessons you have learned because of it, and what’s your favorite part about it?  Volunteering is something that I really believe and enjoy, how about you?

You see, last weekend was my first time volunteering in this new community of mine and I had such a great time. I was part of a small group made up of co-workers, we participated in a large annual community clean-up day where we helped beautify (aka pick up trash) a trail that runs a long a large river that goes thru the valley where I now live.

The foto was taken toward the end of the morning, a few hours into the clean-up event. My group and I had finished cleaning up one portion of the bike trail and moved on to another side, right off the trail there was a huge, I mean HUGE bush of green vines full of bright colored flower. I could not help myself and I had to take several foto’s, here’s one. The event was awesome! I had a great time contributing to the well-being of the parkway, but I must say I loved the nature aspects. I loved walking around the trails and exploring a new area. It felt so go to get out early in the morning, walk around, mingle with others, but at the same time knowing that I was contributing to a greater cause – the well-being and health of the parkway, and all the little critters and animals that live in that area.

So, once again, why do you volunteer?


Story behind foto: as mentioned last week, I visited my parents and took many foto’s of their thriving garden. Here you have a close-up of these tiny white flowers that were all over in between the larger patches of flowers. I think these are so pretty and simple, but since they’re so tiny it is difficult to admire their beauty, so here they are up close and personal! Enjoy.


Story behind Foto: Earlier this week I visited my parents, who still live in the same town where I grew up located in Northern California. As I was walking around the house admiring their garden and the variety of plants they have, I focused on a white patch covering the front of the house. I believe they are called Petunia’s and they’re a common garden flower, or seem to be. I thought they were gorgeous and for some reason they remind me of my father. Why? You see one of his favorite colors is white. I have vivid memories of him wearing white clothing during the summers of my childhood, or while I was still living at home. Anyway, here you have it – white Petunia’s from my parents’ garden. Enjoy!



Bringing you another Foto Friday:

Story behind foto: on a gorgeous day along a Wine County road, in Sonoma CA I spotted a field full of brightly colored floweres in the middle of a vineyard, I had to stop and take photos. Enjoy.


In an effort to combine my “dual-cultures” (Latino(a) and American), photography, and love of nature I am introducing a new series to the blog, which I am calling:  “Foto Friday.”  The word “foto” translates to photo, making the title photo Friday!

Story behind foto: on a Saturday morning several weeks ago, I was woken up early by my boyfriend who asked if I would join him on his weekly fishing trip, and I did. While he fished, I took photos and more photos. Here I am sharing a photo I was very excited about because I caught the bee in action! Yep, I was less than a foot away from the bee, while it was busy eating the nectar from the flower, the results were worth the risk.

Hope you all enjoy what’s to come.